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Understanding your Credit Score

What is a Credit Score?

What Is A Credit Score?

The credit score is a measure of your trustworthiness in the eyes of banks and lenders. It can be used to determine whether you get approved for loans and mortgages, and it’s based on the strength of your financial health and behavior. 

Credit scores are incredibly important for anyone looking to buy a house or secure financing for a car or boat, but they’re not just limited to those scenarios—they also have an impact on other aspects of daily life such as employment opportunities. 

As such, it pays to know how credit scores work so that you can take steps to ensure that yours stays high!

Credit is a score that measures your trustworthiness based on financial health and behavior.

What Is A Credit Score?
The credit score you see on your monthly statements is a number that represents your trustworthiness and financial health. It’s based on your payment history, current accounts and credit utilization (how much of your available credit you’re using).The higher the number, the better you look to creditors. The two main ratings agencies (Moody’s and Fitch) use different scoring models but generally agree on which scores are good or bad. If you have a high score, there’s less chance of getting turned down for loans or credit cards; if your score is low, it will be harder to borrow money at low rates.


Credit is a score that measures your trustworthiness based on financial health and behavior. 

The higher your score, the more likely you are to get loans and other financial services at lower rates. 

It’s easy to understand why this information can be helpful for lenders—they want borrowers who have a good chance of repaying their debts! But what does it mean for you? 

Well, just like any other type of credit report, it can help potential landlords decide whether or not they want to rent an apartment from someone who doesn’t own property yet and employers consider applicants based on their credit history before hiring them.

Empowering you to achieve improved credit, seize greater opportunities, and cultivate a better lifestyle.

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16643 Kedzie Ave, Ste 104, Markham, Illinois 60428, United States

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